Category Archive 4 Teenager


Maria Jose S: My College Day

Hahahaha if I could tell you what happened to me in a class todayAs many of you know I study architecture and on Fridays I have construction classes and we are in practice,in that class we are making a roof for a soccer field, by roof I mean a roof for the field,and the teacher of that subject supervises us to make sure everything is fine, we were all on the field when suddenly the teacher told me to go with him to the classroom to pick up some materials, and without thinking I went with him, on the way to the classroom he told me to wait for him because he had to talk to me, I waited for him thinking that he was going to say something bad about my grades, but it was the opposite, he looked at me and took my hand and told me that I was very pretty, he took out of his bag an exam of mine that I had taken a little while ago, he showed me the exam which I had failed because of the low score I had, he picked up the exam and tore it in two, he told me not to worry that he could pass me, that I caught his attention that I was very pretty that he liked me, he did that I was in shock, since something like that had never happened to me, I laughed because I didn’t know what to say, he told me to give him a chance to win me over, he asked me to give him a kiss, he came back and took my hand and came close to my face to give me a kiss and because of the nerves that I had, I moved my face so that he would kiss me on the cheek, I was very nervous, at that moment a classmate arrived for some materials and interrupted us, I took advantage of the fact that I was not alone, I thanked him because I didn’t know what else to say or do and I left the classroom, and continued as if nothing had happened

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Hello, I`m Alyce and I like to talk to new people, you are welcome to my room to get to know each other better.



My name is Lauren and I`m glad to be here. I am always smiling, I like good and positive energy. This is the main reason why I believe that in life karma has no menu. I always believe that you get what you deserve. I try to emphasize with everyone.



I love that naughty boys arrive that I can stand out and be able to satisfy them in everything they ask of me



In my room you will find a kind and loving person, who will try to please you and give you love. Treat me with love and respect. Let`s talk for a while and have a nice time together.


Chloe Rem: Cosplay Day!

Hello!!!! I want to remind you that this is the funniest and sexiest month of the year!!!!We can have fun with amazing costumes and role playing 😉 This October 25, 2024, I will do the Sexy Jutsu! If you know this iconic anime NARUTO, I know you’ll love it.. On October 30th I will also make a cosplay! From the beautiful Darling in the franxx!!!! Hopefully I can see you and we can have a lot of fun!

Visit Chloe Rem's Chat Room



You are about to know an amazing girl ! I m very friendly and I love meeting people , I m a sensual and intelligent girls that loves to be olutdoors! I want to dscover new things and explore them with you ! I change your days from good to amazing and I m sure you will want more!



Hello, I am Hanna, a sweet, loving, outgoing, cheerful girl, I love boys with a good sense of humor, on this site I want to expand my social circle, you are welcome in my room, I assure you that with me you will spend pleasant moments that will convert for you in very valuable memories…



I imagine my room in a romantic erotic style with dim lights and a friendly warm atmosphere, and feel all the vibrations that we transmit to each other through the screen